Introducing: Hunker Downs!

After signing on the dotted line at the dealership in Fife in early September, I headed back to Port Orchard to empty Nellie’s contents into my friends’ garage. Ten days later, the travel trailer arrived, and back in it all (mostly) went. This required a lot of lifting and toting and going up and down stairs. I lost ten pounds that month, thanks to the Big RV Switcheroo.

Once again, I was amazed and dismayed at how much crap I had accumulated and squirreled away in various hidey-holes. I had a garage sale, listed items on eBay, Craig’s List, and Facebook Marketplace, and made countless Goodwill runs.

For the rest of September and into October, I nested. I christened the rig “Hunker Downs,” which is what I will do until I can freely and safely move about the country again.

There’s a pretty big difference between an 8,000-pound RV and a 28,000-pound one. I invested in X chocks and slide out stabilizers to help minimize movement. As cold weather set in I installed foam board skirting,

bought a dehumidifier, and acquired a radiant oil heater that is economical and efficient and much safer than a space heater. (Hunker Downs has a decent furnace, but I try to conserve propane.)

The fit and finish of a TT (“travel trailer”), compared to a Newmar, requires some getting used to. The bathroom sink and faucet are plastic. Up-and-down cabinet doors just flop back down if you let them go. (Nellie’s doors had struts.) The king-sized mattress is gawd-awful, so I added a four-inch memory foam mattress topper that transformed my bed into the most comfortable I have ever had. Combine that with the velvet bedding and the new flatscreen I put in there with a Roku device, and I am thrilled to retire for the night!

The sound for the living room television and entertainment system is abysmal, so I added a sound bar and subwoofer.

Only one roof vent has a fan (in the bathroom), and none of them are automatic or equipped with rain sensors; I installed vent covers to circulate air and cut down on humidity, and I won’t end up with a wet mess if I forget to close the vents.

I knew The Furry Copilots would miss the dash and windshield that was their window on the world, so a friend helped create a platform underneath the big window.

Even Boss Tweed got a special perch.

Outside, I learned how to fill an open, gravity fed fresh water tank without it spewing everywhere. (The secret is one of these jobbies.)

I re-fitted the sewer hoses to accommodate two separate connections,

and I added an extra battery for those winter windstorm power outages.

It was a lot of work, but the kind of work I enjoy, and besides, what else was I doing anyway? Mostly, I had fun making Hunker Downs my own.

(Of course you knew there had to be a bar, right?)

For all my grousing, there are many things I love about the new trailer. The residential style entry stairs are a huge improvement.

The electric fireplace is a nice feature and a good source of actual heat.

There are 12-volt powered USB plugs on every wall. The recliners are comfy. Here they are at Halloween,

and Christmas. I love using pillows to decorate because they are lightweight, unbreakable, and squishy.

(I got wise after Rocket destroyed the leather on Nellie’s captain’s chairs with his nails, so I covered all the furniture in stretchy furniture covers.)

Opposing slides create room for a kitchen island, and the space feels huge when compared to Nellie. There are puck lights everywhere that operate at the push of a button and create lots of fun options for spotlighting and ambience.

Because I don’t intend to travel in Nellie, I didn’t purchase a towing vehicle, but moving her has not been an issue.

When I move again in February (more about that next time), I’m paying a guy to do it. It’s actually far more economical than the fuel and maintenance on a motorhome.

The future of Hunker Downs is anyone’s guess at the moment. I may move her to a more permanent location and make her my home base while I continue to travel. I might sell. It all remains to be seen. For now, I’m concentrating on finishing writing my first novel. Stay tuned!

Thank you, as always, for coming along with me on this adventure we call Life, and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021!


This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Gail

    How nice to receive a post from our favorite lady tramp! You’ve done a beautiful and cozy job making HD’s your home. Love getting the news from you and love seeing Rocket, Pinkey and Boss Tweed so happy and warm in their new digs.
    You’re a good Mama, Tammy ! May the world be your oyster… not sure what that means but let’s say it’s positive.. stay well and keep writing …

  2. Debbie LaFleiche

    You have done so much with it. I’m impressed! And I love the decor. I met an 80-year-old woman at one of my workamping jobs who also hires someone to move her rig each time she goes to a new assignment. I thought it very creative.

  3. Jane

    Nice to see you post….here’s hoping for a great year, vaccines and the defeat of COVID, good health and lots of travels! Hope you made good use of the champagne and toppers!

  4. Gerri Lilly

    Great to hear how you are making HD your home. Certainly looks comfy and the fur babies seem to have made themselves comfortable. You are very handy with all those projects. Best wishes for a super 2021.

  5. Karen Albright

    It sure is beautiful, love the fireplace! Tammy you’re so creative and talented! It’s great to see all the wonderful things you’ve done to HD’s. It really looks homey!

  6. Ben LaParne

    The place looks great! Your new location looks really nice and woodsy. The pictures of your companions look ( well ) picturesque!! I especially liked the picture of the 3 animals sitting together and looking out the window. Love the artwork!!!!


    Beautiful, Tammy ! Everyone looks to be happily hunkered down 🙂 I’m very much looking forward to the next Instalment. Be well, be safe, be happy. ~ MEM

  8. Jan Rinker

    I love hearing about your life. You have a positive attitude!!! So cool you are writing a book.

  9. Cindy Vega

    Glad to hear you’re all settled in. Love the pictures of your pets.

  10. Curvyroads

    Very nice! A fireplace definitely is a nice touch in chilly weather. Best wishes for a much improved year in 2021!

  11. Cindy

    I love your “tails and Tales”… we have 3 pups and my love for all furry guys runs deep. The pictures of your crew are delightful. Great new digs and love your attention to all the details to make this your home. Congratulations. I look forward to more enlightened travel and the book. Take care!

  12. Robbin Colgrove

    YAY! Been missing your posts, so happy to hear you are getting yourself all settled into the new digs. Keep safe, take care and can’t wait to see your smiling face next time you are down our way! Sending hugs from Houston XOXO

  13. Claudia

    My goodness, love all the changes you made to make HD home! Happy new year, fingers crossed that things improve in 2021!

  14. George Geary

    Hey Kiddo… We met you in Palm Springs at Lawrence Welk’s Place.. Then we to Paul Bar. Looks like you are doing well. A friend of mine wants to sell it all and do what you are doing. So I sent her to your site to check it out.. We have bought a second home in Palm Springs at the swanky mid-century Racquet Club. So excited. We are well and I hope you stay well. HUGS George and Neil

  15. mitch

    Hey Tammy:

    It’s been a few weeks now, how are the new digs treating you?
    I sure hope you are settling in nicely.

    All the best.

  16. Pam

    Tammy was great reading all about your new venture! Love seeing your fur babies🐾🐾🐾❤️
    Looking forward to your updates in 2021, it has been a challenge but I’m sure you made it work!
    Best of luck and health to you and here’s to safe travels!!!


  17. Peter Clapham

    How do you find someone to move the rig?

    1. RoadTripTammy

      Hi Peter, and thanks for your question! For short trips I look on Craig’s List. For longer ones,

      1. Peter Clapham

        Thanks! I have a travel trailer in California that I’m considering moving to Florida so that I can live near my folks and not have to pay exorbitant real estate prices. I sold my pickup to my contractor so I can’t move it myself.

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