The Boss Man Cometh

Boss Tweed stretching

Over the last few weeks, I placed Boss Tweed in his carrier and took the entire family to the neighbors’ during open houses and inspections at the Atomic Abode.  It currently sits by the front door, open, ready for the next temporary displacement.

The animals I have shared my life with over the years have all been deathly afraid of a carrier. They equated it with the vet, or nauseating car movement.   Not Boss Man.  Any time he hears the jingle of the metal locks, he comes running; where are we off to today?

Yesterday morning, as I readied Olive for a walk, Boss jumped into his carrier, looking up at me expectedly, “Take me with mew!”

Subtle as a rattlesnake there, Tweedie.

Boss and Olive being nearly the same size, I fitted Boss with one of Olive’s harnesses.  I snapped on a lead and took them both outside.

Boss felt the warmth of the pavement and immediately laid down.  And that is where he stayed, until he pawed under the harness just enough to completely wriggle out of it.  Thankfully he is mesmerized and paralyzed by that big old world out there, so he just stood there in fear and awe until I scooped him up.


When Olive and I sit in the back yard or on the side patio during a nice day, Boss’s squeaky door hinge protesting and lamenting meow emanates from the screen door: I want ouuuuut nowwww!  It’s not so much about being outside – Boss was rescued from the streets, and I think he knows which side his bread is buttered on.  It’s about togetherness for him.  He just wants to be wherever we are.

So, it’s settled then.  Next week I’ll go in search of a well-fitting harness for Boss Tweed that hopefully will prevent him from pulling a Harry Houdini, and we’ll see where this goes. Boss is more like a dog than any other cat I’ve every had, and I know he would enjoy being with us outside the RV at campgrounds.

Have you had any luck leash training your cat?  Any recommendations for a harness, anyone?


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Crystal

    My daughter was leash training her cat, Cassie, until she slipped out. It was the last time she tried. I follow some full time RV blogs and several have leash trained cats. It can be done. Keep the faith! I hope it works for Boss!

    1. RoadTripTammy

      Thanks, Crystal! I am taking Boss for a fitting next week for a custom harness, and he’s a smart boy, so I’m not ready to give up yet!

  2. Elizabeth Bañuelos

    Our cat goes outside with a NON-breakaway collar and a leash (not full body harness). He LOVES being outside, having been rescued from outside as well. He picks up his leash in his mouth and carries it to the door when he wants out (he has other annoying ways to tell us he wants out, but let’s leave it at the cute one). We drop the handle loop of the leash over a batting practice stand or under the leg of a chair or table, and he’s happy to stay out there for hours. Hope The Boss enjoys being outside as much as our Syd does!

    P.S. Hey Tam, could you please email me, someone I know was looking for a referral out your way and I thought perhaps you could suggest someone. Thanks.

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