The Great Affair Is To Move.

(Title: Robert Louis Stevenson)

After years of thinking about it and talking about it, and the six months it took to blow up and rebuild my life …


A couple of weeks ago I left Port Orchard for a trial run of a nomad’s existence. I stayed at the Tulalip Casino in Marysville, Washington, for three nights; camped by the Sandy River in Troutdale, Oregon for seven nights; spent three nights on Lake Sammammish in Bellevue, Washington; fell asleep nestled between the Greenwater and White Rivers in Greenwater, Washington for four nights; and “freebie parked” for one night at Camping World in Fife/Tacoma, Washington. Along the way I saw the local sights, visited with family and old friends, made some new friends, blogged and promoted the blog, and felt more comfortable and relaxed in my own skin that I ever have. (Like in my entire life.)

Was the journey perfect in every way? Well, of course not. It began with me covered in excrement. It was challenging without a leveling system, but I parked at advantageous angles. It rained, and I mean a lot, on my friends’ annual Labor Day weekend bash.  My Constant Companion also kept me from attending a memorial celebration while I was in Seattle. I had to face my fears about safety and security when two RVs were burglarized at the casino, and again when the Greenwater campsite was remote and secluded; by the time I camped alone in a parking lot in the industrial area of Fife I felt secure, confident in my rig and in my exit strategy in case of trouble. (I will blog about security concerns soon.)

Setting pesky things aside, the plan I hatched so long ago has been realized.  Not only can I do this – I can do it well.  Nellie is home, and she feels like my home.  I can pack up and be on the road in less than an hour.  There’s no need to worry about what to bring – everything I own is with me.  I enjoy driving to the next location, especially when people see the graphics and wave as they pass.  I am no longer fearful of driving Nellie, or of hooking up and towing the toad; it feels natural and comfortable to me now.   I love looking out the same windows at different scenery.  I relish being out of my comfort zone and embracing the fact that I am rarely, if ever, in control.

Many have asked me if I miss certain things, but that question is best answered by listing the things I don’t miss and the things I am looking forward to.  I don’t miss the stress of the work.  I don’t miss the house.  I don’t miss all the responsibilities that came with the house.  I don’t miss the feeling of being trapped.  I don’t miss shoes and coats and handbags and bric-a-brac.   I am looking forward to warm Palm Springs in wintertime, to more visits with friends and family, to volunteering time to charity, to feeling and being healthier, and to New Year’s Eve with good friends in Las Vegas.

“In a world full of people, only some want to fly. Isn’t that crazy?”  — Seal


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. LaughingLady

    So excited for you!! Are you going to be working at all during this time? What a great adventure this will be!

    1. RoadTripTammy

      I won’t be working in the traditional sense, no. If I can get my Crohn’s symptoms under enough control, I would like to volunteer a few hours a day. I hope so!

  2. Maggie

    So Happy for you Tammy! I was bummed I was too busy to go camping with you! That’s something I’d like to do again. Have a wonderful journey and keep the blog going so I can hear all about it. Hoping to do my own version of this is in the near future! Xo, MM

  3. Jane

    I stumbled across your blog while trolling through Pinterest, and have to tell you how inspiring it is. I’m just at the start of your travels now, and have no idea when you started, so Lord knows where you are today. I’m a retired teacher, living in the Wet Tropics of Australia, with my husband of 46 years who is too unwell right now for us to start using the small secondhand caravan we purchased to become “Grey Nomads”. I’m hoping he will be able to do some travelling in a few months, but in the meantime, I’m going to enjoy reading about your travels. It’s particularly interesting to me because you are on the other side of the world, and started in a totally different climate. Best of luck to you!

    1. RoadTripTammy

      Jane, thank you for stopping by my little corner of the world to say hello! I like the phrase “Grey Nomads.” Another phrase I coined while figuring out my blog name was “Golden Gears!”

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